Class 12 Python Projects,” “Computer Science,” “IP,” “Word File,” and “Reports,
Tag: IP Projects
Inventory Management System | Project Report | Source Code
Inventory management is a critical component of any business, ensuring that stock levels are adequately maintained to meet customer demand while minimizing costs. The Inventory Management System (IMS) is a Python-based solution designed to efficiently manage inventory data, utilizing CSV files for persistent storage, Pandas for data manipulation, and Matplotlib for visualization.
- Simplify the process of managing inventory.
- Provide functionalities to add, update, delete, and search products.
- Ensure data persistence using CSV files.
- Generate reports for analyzing stock levels.
System Features
1. Add Product
Allows the user to add new products to the inventory by specifying:
- Product Name
- Quantity
- Price
2. Update Product
Provides functionality to update details of existing products:
- Modify quantity
- Update price
3. View Inventory
Displays the complete list of products in the inventory along with their details:
- Product Name
- Quantity
- Price
4. Delete Product
Enables users to remove products from the inventory by specifying the product name.
5. Search Functionality
Searches the inventory for products matching a user-specified name, with support for partial matches.
6. Generate Reports
Creates a statistical summary of the inventory and visualizes stock levels using bar charts for better insights.
7. Database Integration
The system uses a CSV file as a database for storing product details persistently. The CSV file includes the following columns:
- Product Name
- Quantity
- Price
Technologies Used
- Python Libraries:
- Pandas: For data manipulation and management.
- Matplotlib: For generating visual reports.
- CSV:
- Acts as the database for storing product details.
Code Structure
Modules and Classes
- InventoryManagementSystem Class:
- Methods for handling CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations.
- Methods for data visualization and reporting.
Main Script
The main script provides a user-friendly menu-driven interface for interacting with the system.
File Structure
: Stores product data persistently.(Download)
: Contains the main implementation of the Inventory Management System.(Download .py file)
Complete Code
import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import os class InventoryManagementSystem: def __init__(self, csv_file='inventory.csv'): self.csv_file = csv_file if not os.path.exists(self.csv_file): # Create the CSV file with headers if it doesn't exist pd.DataFrame(columns=['Product Name', 'Quantity', 'Price']).to_csv(self.csv_file, index=False) def load_inventory(self): return pd.read_csv(self.csv_file) def save_inventory(self, df): df.to_csv(self.csv_file, index=False) def add_product(self, name, quantity, price): inventory = self.load_inventory() new_product = pd.DataFrame([{ 'Product Name': name, 'Quantity': quantity, 'Price': price }]) inventory = pd.concat([inventory, new_product], ignore_index=True) self.save_inventory(inventory) print(f"Product '{name}' added successfully!") def update_product(self, name, quantity=None, price=None): inventory = self.load_inventory() if name in inventory['Product Name'].values: if quantity is not None: inventory.loc[inventory['Product Name'] == name, 'Quantity'] = quantity if price is not None: inventory.loc[inventory['Product Name'] == name, 'Price'] = price self.save_inventory(inventory) print(f"Product '{name}' updated successfully!") else: print(f"Product '{name}' not found in inventory.") def view_inventory(self): inventory = self.load_inventory() print("\nCurrent Inventory:") print(inventory) def delete_product(self, name): inventory = self.load_inventory() if name in inventory['Product Name'].values: inventory = inventory[inventory['Product Name'] != name] self.save_inventory(inventory) print(f"Product '{name}' deleted successfully!") else: print(f"Product '{name}' not found in inventory.") def search_product(self, name): inventory = self.load_inventory() results = inventory[inventory['Product Name'].str.contains(name, case=False)] if not results.empty: print("\nSearch Results:") print(results) else: print(f"No products found with name containing '{name}'.") def generate_report(self): inventory = self.load_inventory() print("\nInventory Report:") print(inventory.describe()) plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))['Product Name'], inventory['Quantity'], color='skyblue') plt.xlabel('Product Name') plt.ylabel('Quantity') plt.title('Inventory Stock Levels') plt.xticks(rotation=45, ha='right') plt.tight_layout() if __name__ == "__main__": ims = InventoryManagementSystem() while True: print("\nInventory Management System") print("1. Add Product") print("2. Update Product") print("3. View Inventory") print("4. Delete Product") print("5. Search Product") print("6. Generate Report") print("7. Exit") choice = input("Enter your choice: ") if choice == '1': name = input("Enter product name: ") quantity = int(input("Enter quantity: ")) price = float(input("Enter price: ")) ims.add_product(name, quantity, price) elif choice == '2': name = input("Enter product name to update: ") quantity = input("Enter new quantity (leave blank to skip): ") price = input("Enter new price (leave blank to skip): ") ims.update_product(name, int(quantity) if quantity else None, float(price) if price else None) elif choice == '3': ims.view_inventory() elif choice == '4': name = input("Enter product name to delete: ") ims.delete_product(name) elif choice == '5': name = input("Enter product name to search: ") ims.search_product(name) elif choice == '6': ims.generate_report() elif choice == '7': print("Exiting Inventory Management System. Goodbye!") break else: print("Invalid choice. Please try again.")
Steps to Execute the Project:
- Ensure Python is installed on your system.
- Install required libraries:
pip install pandas matplotlib
- Run the script
. - Use the menu-driven interface to perform operations such as adding, updating, viewing, deleting, searching, and generating reports.
Example Outputs
Inventory View Example:
Product Name Quantity Price Product A 100 10.50 Product B 50 20.75
Search Result Example:
Product Name Quantity Price Product A 100 10.50
Report Visualization:
A bar chart displaying stock levels for each product.
- User-friendly interface.
- Persistent storage with CSV.
- Visual representation of stock levels.
- Easy to maintain and extend functionality.
Future Enhancements
- Implement user authentication for secure access.
- Support for database integration (e.g., SQLite or MySQL).
- Enhanced reporting with additional visualizations and filters.
- Integration with e-commerce platforms for real-time inventory management.
The Inventory Management System provides an effective and efficient solution for managing inventory, with robust features for data handling and visualization. Its modular design ensures ease of use, maintenance, and scalability, making it suitable for small to medium-sized businesses.
COVID-19 Data Analysis and Visualization using Python, Pandas, and Matplotlib
To analyze and visualize COVID-19 statistics such as confirmed cases, recoveries, and deaths using Python. This project will involve using Pandas to manipulate data and Matplotlib to visualize it through various graphs and charts. The data will be stored in a CSV file, and the students will extract meaningful insights by analyzing trends, peaks, and patterns in the pandemic’s progression.
Amazon Sale
Project Modules:
- CSV Data Handling with Pandas:
- Load COVID-19 data from a CSV file.
- Use Pandas to filter, clean, and organize data.
- Perform basic operations like grouping data by date or country and summarizing the statistics.
- Data Analysis:
- Calculate essential statistics like total confirmed cases, recoveries, and deaths.
- Identify the countries with the highest number of confirmed cases.
- Calculate recovery and death rates.
- Analyze the trends over time (e.g., when the pandemic was at its peak).
- Data Visualization using Matplotlib:
- Visualize key data trends using different types of charts:
- Line Chart: Global confirmed cases over time.
- Bar Graph: Comparison of COVID-19 cases between different countries.
- Pie Chart: Distribution of total cases, recoveries, and deaths.
Step-by-Step Breakdown:
1. CSV File Creation (covid_data.csv)
The CSV file
should contain COVID-19 statistics from a dataset with the following columns:- Date: Date of the data entry.
- Country: Name of the country.
- Confirmed: Total confirmed cases.
- Recovered: Total recovered cases.
- Deaths: Total deaths. Sample CSV data:
Date,Country,Confirmed,Recovered,Deaths 2020-01-22,China,547,28,17 2020-01-22,India,0,0,0 2020-01-23,China,639,30,18 2020-01-23,India,0,0,0 ...
2. Python Program Structure
Modules to Use:
: For data manipulation and analysis.matplotlib
: For data visualization.numpy
(optional): For performing numeric calculations if necessary.
Sample Python Script:
import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Load data from CSV def load_data(filename): data = pd.read_csv(filename) return data # Calculate global statistics (total confirmed cases, recoveries, and deaths) def calculate_global_stats(data): total_confirmed = data['Confirmed'].sum() total_recovered = data['Recovered'].sum() total_deaths = data['Deaths'].sum() return total_confirmed, total_recovered, total_deaths # Plot the global trend of confirmed cases over time def plot_global_trend(data): global_data = data.groupby('Date').sum() plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6)) plt.plot(global_data.index, global_data['Confirmed'], color='blue', label='Confirmed Cases') plt.xlabel('Date') plt.ylabel('Number of Cases') plt.title('Global COVID-19 Confirmed Cases Over Time') plt.xticks(rotation=45) plt.legend() plt.grid(True) # Main program execution if __name__ == "__main__": # Load data covid_data = load_data('covid_data.csv') # Calculate global statistics confirmed, recovered, deaths = calculate_global_stats(covid_data) print(f"Total Confirmed: {confirmed}, Total Recovered: {recovered}, Total Deaths: {deaths}") # Plot global trend plot_global_trend(covid_data)
3. Additional Functionalities:
- Country-Specific Analysis:
- Create a function that filters the data for a specific country and provides a trend line for that country.
def plot_country_trend(data, country): country_data = data[data['Country'] == country] plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6)) plt.plot(country_data['Date'], country_data['Confirmed'], color='green', label=f'{country} Confirmed Cases') plt.xlabel('Date') plt.ylabel('Number of Cases') plt.title(f'COVID-19 Confirmed Cases in {country} Over Time') plt.xticks(rotation=45) plt.legend() plt.grid(True)
- Pie Chart for Global Data:
- A pie chart that displays the proportion of confirmed cases, recoveries, and deaths worldwide.
def plot_global_pie_chart(confirmed, recovered, deaths): labels = ['Confirmed', 'Recovered', 'Deaths'] sizes = [confirmed, recovered, deaths] colors = ['yellow', 'green', 'red'] plt.figure(figsize=(7, 7)) plt.pie(sizes, labels=labels, colors=colors, autopct='%1.1f%%', startangle=140) plt.title('Global COVID-19 Statistics') plt.axis('equal')
4. Data Visualization Options:
- Line Chart (Global Trend):
def plot_line_chart(data): global_data = data.groupby('Date').sum() plt.plot(global_data.index, global_data['Confirmed'], color='blue') plt.xlabel('Date') plt.ylabel('Confirmed Cases') plt.title('Global COVID-19 Confirmed Cases Over Time') plt.grid(True)
- Bar Graph (Country-Wise Comparison):
def plot_country_comparison(data): top_countries = data.groupby('Country').sum().nlargest(10, 'Confirmed'), top_countries['Confirmed'], color='orange') plt.title('Top 10 Countries with Highest COVID-19 Confirmed Cases') plt.xlabel('Country') plt.ylabel('Confirmed Cases') plt.xticks(rotation=45)
This project will provide students with hands-on experience in handling real-world data using Python, Pandas, and Matplotlib. They will gain insights into COVID-19 data, learning how to perform analysis and visualizations that are valuable for understanding patterns and trends.
- Extend the project by allowing users to select specific countries for analysis.
- Add functionality to calculate rolling averages to smooth out the data.
- Incorporate a feature to predict future trends using linear regression or other forecasting models.
Would you like a blog post or further details for this project?
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Project: Sales Data Analysis and Visualization using Python, Matplotlib, and CSV
Are you a CBSE Class 12th IP student looking for an interesting project that blends data analysis, visualization, and programming? In this blog, we’ll walk you through a comprehensive project where you’ll learn how to analyze and visualize sales data using Python, with CSV as the data source and Matplotlib for creating graphs and charts.
By the end of this project, you’ll be able to read data from a CSV file, process the data, and display beautiful visualizations using charts like bar graphs, line plots, and pie charts!
Amazon Sale
Project Overview:
Title: Sales Data Analysis and Visualization
This project will allow you to:
- Handle CSV files in Python.
- Perform data analysis (total sales, monthly comparisons, etc.).
- Create visual representations using Matplotlib for better data insights.
The primary goal is to analyze monthly sales data, calculate trends, and present insights in the form of interactive visualizations using Python’s Matplotlib library.
Technologies Used:
- Python: For reading and analyzing data.
- CSV (Comma Separated Values): For storing and reading data.
- Matplotlib: To visualize the data using various chart types.
Step-by-Step Guide to the Project:
1. Understanding CSV Data Handling in Python
CSV is a simple format for storing tabular data, such as sales records. Our CSV file (
) will store sales information with columns like:- Month: The month of sales (e.g., January, February).
- Product: The product name (e.g., Mobile, Laptop).
- Quantity: Quantity of the product sold.
- Sales: Total sales value for the product.
Sample CSV Data:
Month,Product,Quantity,Sales January,Mobile,50,25000 January,Laptop,30,150000 February,Mobile,45,22500 February,Laptop,20,100000 ...
Using Python’s
module, we can read this file and process the data to calculate monthly totals, identify trends, and more.2. Reading and Processing the CSV Data
Start by reading data from the CSV file and storing it in a format that can be analyzed. Below is the Python function to read the CSV file:
import csv def read_sales_data(filename): data = [] with open(filename, 'r') as file: reader = csv.DictReader(file) for row in reader: data.append(row) return data
This function reads the data from the CSV file and returns it as a list of dictionaries for easy processing.
3. Analyzing the Sales Data
Once the data is loaded, we can analyze it to find out the monthly sales totals. We create a function to sum up sales for each month.
def calculate_monthly_sales(data): sales_per_month = {} for row in data: month = row['Month'] sales = float(row['Sales']) if month in sales_per_month: sales_per_month[month] += sales else: sales_per_month[month] = sales return sales_per_month
This function calculates the total sales for each month and returns the result in a dictionary format.
4. Data Visualization Using Matplotlib
Data is much easier to understand when visualized. We’ll use Matplotlib to create various charts for sales data.
- Bar Chart: To compare sales across different months.
- Line Chart: To see trends over time.
- Pie Chart: To visualize sales distribution across different product categories.
Example of a Bar Graph:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt def plot_sales_data(sales_per_month): months = list(sales_per_month.keys()) sales = list(sales_per_month.values()) plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5)), sales, color='skyblue') plt.xlabel('Month') plt.ylabel('Sales (in INR)') plt.title('Monthly Sales Data')
This simple bar chart compares monthly sales, giving you a quick understanding of which months had the highest and lowest sales.
5. Enhancing the Project
Additional Functionalities:
- Add New Sales Data: Create a function to add new sales data to the CSV file.
def add_sales_data(filename, month, product, quantity, sales): with open(filename, 'a', newline='') as file: writer = csv.writer(file) writer.writerow([month, product, quantity, sales])
- Search Sales by Month: Retrieve and display all sales records for a specific month.
def search_sales_by_month(data, month): return [row for row in data if row['Month'] == month]
These features can make the project more interactive and practical.
6. Project Conclusion
By the end of this project, you will have learned how to:
- Work with CSV files in Python.
- Analyze sales data.
- Visualize data using different types of charts (bar, line, pie) with Matplotlib.
This project offers a great learning opportunity for students preparing for their CBSE Class 12th IP exams. It will help you understand the importance of data analysis and visualization, skills that are highly valued in today’s data-driven world.
What’s Next?
You can extend this project by adding more analysis like calculating average sales, identifying trends, or even connecting to a database for more robust data handling.
Final Thoughts:
This project serves as an excellent foundation for understanding how real-world data is managed and visualized. From CSV handling to powerful data visualization techniques using Matplotlib, you’ll have hands-on experience with key Python skills that are not only useful for your exams but also valuable in many fields, including business and data science.
Happy coding, and good luck with your CBSE Class 12th IP project!
Keywords: Python, CSV, Matplotlib, Data Analysis, Data Visualization, CBSE Class 12th IP, Sales Analysis, Project
Personal Diary Application using Python
In this project, we will create a Personal Diary Application using Python, allowing users to write, save, and view their daily diary entries. We’ll use Tkinter for the graphical user interface (GUI) and SQLite to store the diary entries.
1. Project Setup
Modules Required:
- tkinter: For creating the graphical user interface.
- sqlite3: To store the diary entries in a local database.
Install the necessary modules:
pip install tkinter
2. Project Features
- Add Diary Entry: Users can write a new diary entry with a title and body.
- View Diary Entries: Users can view previously saved diary entries.
- Edit/Delete Entries: Users can edit or delete their past entries.
- Search Entries: Users can search for a specific entry by title.
- Database Integration: Use SQLite to store and manage diary entries.
3. Database Design
We will create a single table in SQLite to store diary entries:
- Diary Table:
- title: (TEXT)
- entry: (TEXT)
- date: (TEXT)
4. Code Structure
We will divide the project into four main sections:
- Creating the GUI: The interface for the user to interact with the application.
- Handling Diary Entry Logic: Adding, viewing, updating, and deleting diary entries.
- Database Connection: Creating the database and storing/retrieving entries.
- Search Functionality: Allowing users to search their diary entries by title.
5. Creating the Database
Let’s first define the database connection and table creation:
import sqlite3 from datetime import datetime # Connect to SQLite database and create tables def connect_db(): conn = sqlite3.connect('diary.db') c = conn.cursor() # Create Diary Table c.execute('''CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS diary (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, title TEXT, entry TEXT, date TEXT)''') conn.commit() conn.close() connect_db()
6. Diary Entry Functions
A. Add New Entry
def add_entry(title, entry): conn = sqlite3.connect('diary.db') c = conn.cursor() # Get current date date ="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") # Insert the new entry into the diary table c.execute("INSERT INTO diary (title, entry, date) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", (title, entry, date)) conn.commit() conn.close()
B. View All Entries
def view_entries(): conn = sqlite3.connect('diary.db') c = conn.cursor() # Select all entries from the diary table c.execute("SELECT * FROM diary") entries = c.fetchall() conn.close() return entries
C. Update an Entry
def update_entry(entry_id, new_title, new_entry): conn = sqlite3.connect('diary.db') c = conn.cursor() # Update the title and body of the entry c.execute("UPDATE diary SET title = ?, entry = ? WHERE id = ?", (new_title, new_entry, entry_id)) conn.commit() conn.close()
D. Delete an Entry
def delete_entry(entry_id): conn = sqlite3.connect('diary.db') c = conn.cursor() # Delete the entry from the diary table c.execute("DELETE FROM diary WHERE id = ?", (entry_id,)) conn.commit() conn.close()
7. Building the GUI with Tkinter
We will create a graphical interface using Tkinter for users to add, view, and manage their diary entries.
A. Main Window
from tkinter import * from tkinter import messagebox # Function to add a new diary entry def save_diary_entry(): title = title_entry.get() entry = diary_text.get("1.0", END) if title and entry: add_entry(title, entry) messagebox.showinfo("Success", "Diary entry saved!") title_entry.delete(0, END) diary_text.delete("1.0", END) else: messagebox.showwarning("Error", "Title and entry cannot be empty!") # Function to display all diary entries def display_entries(): entries_window = Toplevel(root) entries_window.title("View Diary Entries") entries = view_entries() for entry in entries: Label(entries_window, text=f"Title: {entry[1]}").pack() Label(entries_window, text=f"Date: {entry[3]}").pack() Label(entries_window, text=f"Entry:\n{entry[2]}\n").pack(pady=10) # Main GUI window root = Tk() root.title("Personal Diary") root.geometry("400x400") # Labels and text fields for entry title and body Label(root, text="Diary Title:", font=("Helvetica", 12)).pack(pady=10) title_entry = Entry(root, width=40) title_entry.pack(pady=5) Label(root, text="Diary Entry:", font=("Helvetica", 12)).pack(pady=10) diary_text = Text(root, height=10, width=40) diary_text.pack(pady=5) # Buttons to save the entry and view all entries Button(root, text="Save Entry", command=save_diary_entry).pack(pady=10) Button(root, text="View All Entries", command=display_entries).pack(pady=5) # Run the GUI loop root.mainloop()
8. Explanation of Code
A. Saving a New Entry
- The
function retrieves the title and body of the diary entry from the GUI and saves it to the database using theadd_entry()
function. It also provides feedback to the user via a message box.
B. Displaying All Entries
- The
function opens a new window that lists all diary entries stored in the database. It calls theview_entries()
function to fetch and display the data.
9. Enhancements and Additional Features
Here are some ideas to extend the functionality of the Personal Diary Application:
- Search Functionality: Allow users to search for specific entries by title.
- Password Protection: Add password protection to secure diary entries.
- Backup and Restore: Implement a feature to back up and restore diary entries from a file.
- Date-Based Search: Enable users to search for diary entries by specific dates.
- Tagging: Allow users to tag entries with specific labels or topics for easy categorization.
10. Conclusion
The Personal Diary Application allows users to easily store and manage their diary entries. It covers core Python concepts like GUI development with Tkinter, working with SQLite databases, and handling user input. The project can be further enhanced with more advanced features like search, tagging, and password protection.
Would you like to add any specific functionality or make adjustments to this project?
Quiz Game using Python
In this project, we will create a Quiz Game using Python. The game will present multiple-choice questions to the player, keep track of their score, and provide feedback after each question. We will use Tkinter to build a graphical user interface (GUI) and include a simple database of questions.
1. Project Setup
Modules Required:
- tkinter: For creating the graphical user interface.
- random: To randomize the order of questions.
Install the necessary modules:
pip install tkinter
2. Project Features
- Multiple-Choice Questions: The quiz game will present questions with four answer options. The user will select one answer per question.
- Score Calculation: The game will calculate the user’s score based on correct answers.
- Feedback: After each question, the player will know if their answer was correct or not.
- Question Randomization: The order of questions will be randomized each time the game starts.
- Graphical User Interface: The game will have a simple GUI to display the questions and interact with the player.
3. Code Structure
We will divide the project into several key components:
- Creating the GUI with Tkinter: Displaying questions and managing user input.
- Handling Quiz Logic: Checking answers, updating scores, and proceeding to the next question.
- Randomizing and Loading Questions: Managing the quiz questions and ensuring randomness.
4. Sample Quiz Questions
We’ll store the quiz questions in a list of dictionaries. Each dictionary contains a question, four answer choices, and the correct answer.
# Sample Quiz Data questions = [ { "question": "What is the capital of France?", "options": ["Berlin", "London", "Paris", "Madrid"], "answer": "Paris" }, { "question": "Which is the largest planet in our solar system?", "options": ["Earth", "Jupiter", "Mars", "Saturn"], "answer": "Jupiter" }, { "question": "Who wrote 'Macbeth'?", "options": ["Charles Dickens", "William Shakespeare", "Leo Tolstoy", "Mark Twain"], "answer": "William Shakespeare" }, { "question": "What is the chemical symbol for water?", "options": ["HO", "H2O", "O2", "H2"], "answer": "H2O" } ]
5. Building the GUI with Tkinter
We will create a simple graphical user interface using Tkinter to display questions and options to the player.
A. Main Quiz Window
from tkinter import * import random # Global variables current_question_index = 0 score = 0 # Randomize the question order random.shuffle(questions) # Function to update the question and options on the screen def update_question(): global current_question_index question = questions[current_question_index] label_question.config(text=question['question']) btn_option1.config(text=question['options'][0]) btn_option2.config(text=question['options'][1]) btn_option3.config(text=question['options'][2]) btn_option4.config(text=question['options'][3]) # Function to check if the selected option is correct def check_answer(selected_option): global current_question_index global score question = questions[current_question_index] if selected_option == question['answer']: score += 1 label_feedback.config(text="Correct!", fg="green") else: label_feedback.config(text=f"Wrong! The correct answer is {question['answer']}.", fg="red") # Move to the next question current_question_index += 1 if current_question_index < len(questions): update_question() else: show_final_score() # Function to display the final score def show_final_score(): label_question.config(text=f"Quiz Completed! Your final score is {score}/{len(questions)}") btn_option1.pack_forget() btn_option2.pack_forget() btn_option3.pack_forget() btn_option4.pack_forget() label_feedback.pack_forget() # Setting up the main window root = Tk() root.title("Quiz Game") root.geometry("400x300") # Question Label label_question = Label(root, text="", font=("Helvetica", 16), wraplength=300) label_question.pack(pady=20) # Option Buttons btn_option1 = Button(root, text="", width=25, command=lambda: check_answer(btn_option1['text'])) btn_option1.pack(pady=5) btn_option2 = Button(root, text="", width=25, command=lambda: check_answer(btn_option2['text'])) btn_option2.pack(pady=5) btn_option3 = Button(root, text="", width=25, command=lambda: check_answer(btn_option3['text'])) btn_option3.pack(pady=5) btn_option4 = Button(root, text="", width=25, command=lambda: check_answer(btn_option4['text'])) btn_option4.pack(pady=5) # Feedback Label label_feedback = Label(root, text="", font=("Helvetica", 14)) label_feedback.pack(pady=10) # Start the first question update_question() # Run the GUI loop root.mainloop()
6. Explanation of Code
A. Displaying Questions and Options
- The
function retrieves the current question from thequestions
list and updates the question label and the four option buttons.
B. Checking the Answer
- The
function checks whether the selected answer matches the correct answer for the current question. - If correct, the score is updated, and feedback is provided using the
label. - The function then moves on to the next question, or displays the final score once all questions are answered.
C. Final Score Display
- Once the player answers all the questions, the final score is displayed in the question label, and the option buttons and feedback are hidden.
7. Enhancements and Additional Features
Here are some ideas to extend the functionality of the Quiz Game:
- Time Limit for Each Question: Add a timer to force the player to answer each question within a certain time limit.
- Leaderboard: Store scores in a file or database to maintain a leaderboard of high scores.
- Add More Questions: Expand the quiz with a larger question database, or allow for different categories of quizzes.
- Sound Effects: Add sound effects for correct and incorrect answers to enhance user engagement.
- Multiple Difficulty Levels: Categorize questions by difficulty (easy, medium, hard) and let players choose a difficulty level.
8. Conclusion
The Quiz Game is a fun and interactive way to test users’ knowledge on various topics. It covers key programming concepts like GUI development with Tkinter, list manipulation, and user interaction. The project can be expanded with more complex features to make it even more engaging.
Would you like to add a specific feature or adjust anything in this quiz game?
E-commerce Management System using Python
In this project, we will create an E-commerce Management System using Python, allowing basic management of products, customers, and orders. We’ll use Tkinter for the GUI and SQLite to store data.
1. Project Setup
Modules Required:
- tkinter: For creating the graphical user interface.
- sqlite3: For managing the product, customer, and order data in a local database.
Install the necessary modules:
pip install tkinter
2. Project Features
- Manage Products: Add, update, delete, and view products.
- Manage Customers: Add, update, delete, and view customer details.
- Manage Orders: Place, view, and manage customer orders.
- Database Integration: Use SQLite to store and manage product, customer, and order information.
3. Database Design
We will create three tables in SQLite:
- Products Table:
- name: (TEXT)
- price: (REAL)
- quantity: (INTEGER)
- Customers Table:
- name: (TEXT)
- email: (TEXT)
- phone: (TEXT)
- Orders Table:
- customer_id: (INTEGER, Foreign Key referencing Customers Table)
- product_id: (INTEGER, Foreign Key referencing Products Table)
- quantity: (INTEGER)
- total_price: (REAL)
4. Code Structure
We will divide the project into three main sections:
- Product Management: Add, view, update, and delete products.
- Customer Management: Add, view, update, and delete customers.
- Order Management: Place new orders and view order history.
5. Creating the Database
Let’s first define the database connection and table creation:
import sqlite3 # Connect to SQLite database and create tables def connect_db(): conn = sqlite3.connect('ecommerce.db') c = conn.cursor() # Create Products Table c.execute('''CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS products (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, name TEXT, price REAL, quantity INTEGER)''') # Create Customers Table c.execute('''CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS customers (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, name TEXT, email TEXT, phone TEXT)''') # Create Orders Table c.execute('''CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS orders (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, customer_id INTEGER, product_id INTEGER, quantity INTEGER, total_price REAL, FOREIGN KEY (customer_id) REFERENCES customers(id), FOREIGN KEY (product_id) REFERENCES products(id))''') conn.commit() conn.close() connect_db()
6. Product Management
A. Adding a New Product
def add_product(name, price, quantity): conn = sqlite3.connect('ecommerce.db') c = conn.cursor() c.execute("INSERT INTO products (name, price, quantity) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", (name, price, quantity)) conn.commit() conn.close() # Example usage add_product('Laptop', 75000, 10)
B. Viewing All Products
def view_products(): conn = sqlite3.connect('ecommerce.db') c = conn.cursor() c.execute("SELECT * FROM products") products = c.fetchall() conn.close() return products # Example usage for product in view_products(): print(product)
C. Updating a Product
def update_product(product_id, name, price, quantity): conn = sqlite3.connect('ecommerce.db') c = conn.cursor() c.execute("UPDATE products SET name=?, price=?, quantity=? WHERE id=?", (name, price, quantity, product_id)) conn.commit() conn.close()
D. Deleting a Product
def delete_product(product_id): conn = sqlite3.connect('ecommerce.db') c = conn.cursor() c.execute("DELETE FROM products WHERE id=?", (product_id,)) conn.commit() conn.close()
7. Customer Management
A. Adding a New Customer
def add_customer(name, email, phone): conn = sqlite3.connect('ecommerce.db') c = conn.cursor() c.execute("INSERT INTO customers (name, email, phone) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", (name, email, phone)) conn.commit() conn.close() # Example usage add_customer('John Doe', '', '1234567890')
B. Viewing All Customers
def view_customers(): conn = sqlite3.connect('ecommerce.db') c = conn.cursor() c.execute("SELECT * FROM customers") customers = c.fetchall() conn.close() return customers # Example usage for customer in view_customers(): print(customer)
C. Updating a Customer
def update_customer(customer_id, name, email, phone): conn = sqlite3.connect('ecommerce.db') c = conn.cursor() c.execute("UPDATE customers SET name=?, email=?, phone=? WHERE id=?", (name, email, phone, customer_id)) conn.commit() conn.close()
D. Deleting a Customer
def delete_customer(customer_id): conn = sqlite3.connect('ecommerce.db') c = conn.cursor() c.execute("DELETE FROM customers WHERE id=?", (customer_id,)) conn.commit() conn.close()
8. Order Management
A. Placing an Order
To place an order, we need the customer ID, product ID, and quantity. The total price will be calculated based on the product price and quantity.
def place_order(customer_id, product_id, quantity): conn = sqlite3.connect('ecommerce.db') c = conn.cursor() # Get product price c.execute("SELECT price FROM products WHERE id=?", (product_id,)) product = c.fetchone() if product: total_price = product[0] * quantity c.execute("INSERT INTO orders (customer_id, product_id, quantity, total_price) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)", (customer_id, product_id, quantity, total_price)) conn.commit() conn.close() # Example usage place_order(1, 1, 2)
B. Viewing Orders
def view_orders(): conn = sqlite3.connect('ecommerce.db') c = conn.cursor() c.execute('''SELECT,,, orders.quantity, orders.total_price FROM orders JOIN customers ON orders.customer_id = JOIN products ON orders.product_id =''') orders = c.fetchall() conn.close() return orders # Example usage for order in view_orders(): print(order)
9. Building the GUI with Tkinter
A. Main Menu GUI
from tkinter import * def open_product_window(): pass # Define product window functions def open_customer_window(): pass # Define customer window functions def open_order_window(): pass # Define order window functions root = Tk() root.title("E-commerce Management System") root.geometry("400x400") Button(root, text="Manage Products", command=open_product_window).pack(pady=20) Button(root, text="Manage Customers", command=open_customer_window).pack(pady=20) Button(root, text="Manage Orders", command=open_order_window).pack(pady=20) root.mainloop()
You can create separate windows for managing products, customers, and orders by defining the
, andopen_order_window
functions.10. Conclusion
The E-commerce Management System allows users to manage products, customers, and orders using Python and SQLite. It can be extended with additional features, including inventory management, sales reporting, and customer feedback.
Would you like to add any specific functionality or make adjustments to this project?
Weather Forecasting App using Python
In this project, we’ll create a Weather Forecasting Application using Python. The app will allow users to input a city name and get real-time weather data such as temperature, weather condition, humidity, wind speed, and more. We’ll use the Tkinter library for the GUI and the OpenWeatherMap API to fetch weather data.
1. Project Setup
Modules Required:
- tkinter: For the graphical user interface.
- requests: For making HTTP requests to the weather API.
Install the necessary modules:
pip install tkinter pip install requests
Sign Up for OpenWeatherMap API:
- Go to the OpenWeatherMap website and sign up to get an API Key.
- This key will be used to authenticate and access weather data.
2. Project Features
- Get Real-time Weather Data: Users can enter a city name and get real-time weather information such as:
- Temperature (Celsius/Fahrenheit)
- Weather condition (e.g., Clear, Rain, Cloudy)
- Humidity
- Wind Speed
- Description (e.g., Light rain, scattered clouds)
- Graphical User Interface: Simple, intuitive GUI using Tkinter for user interaction.
- Error Handling: If the city is not found or API call fails, the app shows a meaningful error message.
3. Code Structure
We’ll divide the project into three main parts:
- Fetching Weather Data from the OpenWeatherMap API.
- Creating a GUI to input the city and display the weather information.
- Error Handling to ensure smooth operation.
4. Fetching Weather Data from OpenWeatherMap API
First, let’s write a function to fetch weather data for a given city using the API.
import requests # Function to get weather data def get_weather(city_name, api_key): base_url = f"{city_name}&appid={api_key}&units=metric" response = requests.get(base_url) if response.status_code == 200: data = response.json() main = data['main'] weather = data['weather'][0] wind = data['wind'] weather_data = { "city": data['name'], "temperature": main['temp'], "humidity": main['humidity'], "wind_speed": wind['speed'], "weather_description": weather['description'], "weather_main": weather['main'] } return weather_data else: return None
5. Building the GUI using Tkinter
We’ll use Tkinter to create a simple interface for entering the city name and displaying the weather information.
A. Main Window
from tkinter import * from tkinter import messagebox import requests # Function to get weather details and display it on the UI def display_weather(): city = entry_city.get() if city: api_key = "your_openweathermap_api_key_here" # Replace with your API Key weather = get_weather(city, api_key) if weather: label_city.config(text=f"City: {weather['city']}") label_temperature.config(text=f"Temperature: {weather['temperature']}°C") label_weather_main.config(text=f"Weather: {weather['weather_main']}") label_description.config(text=f"Description: {weather['weather_description']}") label_humidity.config(text=f"Humidity: {weather['humidity']}%") label_wind_speed.config(text=f"Wind Speed: {weather['wind_speed']} m/s") else: messagebox.showerror("Error", "City not found or API error!") else: messagebox.showwarning("Input Error", "Please enter a city name.") # Creating the main window root = Tk() root.title("Weather Forecasting App") root.geometry("400x400") # City input Label(root, text="Enter City Name:", font=("Helvetica", 12)).pack(pady=10) entry_city = Entry(root, width=25) entry_city.pack(pady=5) # Fetch Weather button Button(root, text="Get Weather", command=display_weather).pack(pady=20) # Labels for displaying weather info label_city = Label(root, text="", font=("Helvetica", 14)) label_city.pack(pady=5) label_temperature = Label(root, text="", font=("Helvetica", 12)) label_temperature.pack(pady=5) label_weather_main = Label(root, text="", font=("Helvetica", 12)) label_weather_main.pack(pady=5) label_description = Label(root, text="", font=("Helvetica", 12)) label_description.pack(pady=5) label_humidity = Label(root, text="", font=("Helvetica", 12)) label_humidity.pack(pady=5) label_wind_speed = Label(root, text="", font=("Helvetica", 12)) label_wind_speed.pack(pady=5) root.mainloop()
6. Explanation of Code
A. Weather Data Fetching
function:- Sends a request to the OpenWeatherMap API with the city name and API key.
- Extracts important weather information such as temperature, weather condition, humidity, wind speed, etc.
- Returns a dictionary containing this data if the city is found, otherwise returns
B. Graphical Interface (GUI)
- Tkinter is used to create the main application window.
- The user enters the city name in a text box.
- The weather data is fetched and displayed using labels in the window.
C. Handling Errors
- If the API cannot find the city or there is a network error, a messagebox is used to display an error message.
- If the input field is left blank, the app prompts the user to enter a city name.
7. Enhancements and Additional Features
You can extend this weather forecasting application with more features:
- Display Forecast for Multiple Days: Use OpenWeatherMap’s 5-day forecast API to show a forecast for the next several days.
- Toggle between Celsius and Fahrenheit: Allow users to choose between temperature units.
- Search History: Save previous searches and allow users to view the weather data for cities they’ve searched before.
- Weather Icons: Display weather icons (sunny, rainy, cloudy) based on the weather conditions using the icons provided by OpenWeatherMap.
- Styling the App: Enhance the design using custom colors, fonts, and frames to make the UI more appealing.
- Responsive Design: Adapt the layout to different screen sizes and make the interface responsive.
8. Conclusion
This is a basic Weather Forecasting App built with Python and Tkinter, leveraging the OpenWeatherMap API to fetch real-time weather data. The app allows users to get weather information by simply entering a city name. It can be extended with more advanced features, making it a useful tool for daily weather updates.
Would you like to see any specific enhancements or functionality added to this project?
Expense Tracker Application using Python
This project involves creating an Expense Tracker Application using Python, where users can log their daily expenses, view their spending patterns, and manage budgets. We will use Tkinter for the graphical user interface (GUI) and SQLite for storing expense records.
1. Project Setup
Modules Required:
- tkinter: For the graphical user interface.
- sqlite3: For database management.
Install the necessary modules using:
pip install tkinter
2. Project Features
- Add Expenses: Users can log details like category, amount, and description of each expense.
- View Expenses: View a list of all logged expenses, filtered by date or category.
- Edit/Delete Expenses: Modify or remove specific expense records.
- Track Monthly Budget: Set a monthly budget and track the total expenses against it.
- View Total Expenses: Display total expenses over a selected period (e.g., weekly, monthly).
- Expense Summary: Visualize spending in different categories.
3. Database Design
We’ll use SQLite to create a table named expenses with the following fields:
- date (TEXT)
- category (TEXT)
- amount (REAL)
- description (TEXT)
4. Code Structure
A. Database Connection
import sqlite3 def connect_db(): conn = sqlite3.connect('expense_tracker.db') c = conn.cursor() # Create Expenses Table c.execute('''CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS expenses (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, date TEXT, category TEXT, amount REAL, description TEXT)''') conn.commit() conn.close() connect_db()
B. Add Expense Function
def add_expense(date, category, amount, description): conn = sqlite3.connect('expense_tracker.db') c = conn.cursor() c.execute("INSERT INTO expenses (date, category, amount, description) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)", (date, category, amount, description)) conn.commit() conn.close()
C. View Expenses Function
def view_expenses(): conn = sqlite3.connect('expense_tracker.db') c = conn.cursor() c.execute("SELECT * FROM expenses ORDER BY date DESC") rows = c.fetchall() conn.close() return rows
D. Edit Expense Function
def edit_expense(id, date, category, amount, description): conn = sqlite3.connect('expense_tracker.db') c = conn.cursor() c.execute("UPDATE expenses SET date=?, category=?, amount=?, description=? WHERE id=?", (date, category, amount, description, id)) conn.commit() conn.close()
E. Delete Expense Function
def delete_expense(id): conn = sqlite3.connect('expense_tracker.db') c = conn.cursor() c.execute("DELETE FROM expenses WHERE id=?", (id,)) conn.commit() conn.close()
5. GUI Design using Tkinter
Here is the implementation of the Expense Tracker interface using Tkinter for adding and viewing expenses.
A. Adding Expense GUI
from tkinter import * from tkinter import messagebox import sqlite3 # Function to Add Expense def add_expense_gui(): date = entry_date.get() category = entry_category.get() amount = entry_amount.get() description = entry_description.get() if date and category and amount: add_expense(date, category, float(amount), description) messagebox.showinfo("Success", "Expense added successfully!") else: messagebox.showerror("Error", "Please fill in all fields!") # Main window setup root = Tk() root.title("Expense Tracker") root.geometry("400x300") # GUI Elements for Adding Expense Label(root, text="Date (YYYY-MM-DD)").pack(pady=10) entry_date = Entry(root) entry_date.pack() Label(root, text="Category").pack(pady=10) entry_category = Entry(root) entry_category.pack() Label(root, text="Amount").pack(pady=10) entry_amount = Entry(root) entry_amount.pack() Label(root, text="Description").pack(pady=10) entry_description = Entry(root) entry_description.pack() Button(root, text="Add Expense", command=add_expense_gui).pack(pady=20) root.mainloop()
B. Viewing Expenses GUI
def view_expenses_gui(): expenses_window = Toplevel(root) expenses_window.title("View Expenses") expenses_window.geometry("600x400") expenses = view_expenses() text_area = Text(expenses_window) text_area.pack() for expense in expenses: text_area.insert(END, f"Date: {expense[1]} | Category: {expense[2]} | Amount: {expense[3]} | Description: {expense[4]}\n")
You can add a button on the main window to open the View Expenses window:
Button(root, text="View Expenses", command=view_expenses_gui).pack(pady=10)
6. Budget Management and Total Expense Calculation
You can extend the application with the following features:
A. Set Monthly Budget
You can create a table
to store the user’s monthly budget and track the total expenses against this budget. Here’s a simple way to add and track the budget.def set_monthly_budget(amount): conn = sqlite3.connect('expense_tracker.db') c = conn.cursor() c.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS budget (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, amount REAL)") c.execute("INSERT OR REPLACE INTO budget (id, amount) VALUES (1, ?)", (amount,)) conn.commit() conn.close() def get_monthly_budget(): conn = sqlite3.connect('expense_tracker.db') c = conn.cursor() c.execute("SELECT amount FROM budget WHERE id=1") budget = c.fetchone() conn.close() return budget[0] if budget else 0
B. Calculate Total Expenses
You can calculate the total expenses for the current month or any specific period:
def get_total_expenses(): conn = sqlite3.connect('expense_tracker.db') c = conn.cursor() c.execute("SELECT SUM(amount) FROM expenses") total = c.fetchone()[0] conn.close() return total
7. Final Enhancements
To make the Expense Tracker more feature-rich, you can add the following improvements:
- Filter Expenses by Date or Category: Allow users to filter their expenses by date range or specific categories.
- Generate Reports: Create a feature to generate monthly or weekly expense reports.
- Expense Summary Visualization: Use matplotlib to create graphs showing spending trends and category-wise expenses.
- Login System: Add user accounts with authentication so that multiple users can manage their expenses on the same application.
- Improved UI: Enhance the user interface with better layouts, color schemes, and fonts for a more engaging experience.
8. Conclusion
This is a basic Expense Tracker Application using Python and Tkinter for the graphical user interface and SQLite for managing expenses. It allows users to add, view, edit, and delete their daily expenses, with the possibility of setting and tracking monthly budgets.
Would you like to explore any additional features or functionalities for this project?